Chapter 8. Chill Kruz Sports Bar & Up, Part One
After spending a long time actively not seeking or seeing men, the Dating App Goddesses aligned my vagina with my brain — not my heart — and I miraculously landed myself a perfect little Tryster Fuck Buddy.
According to the Oxford English Language Dictionary (yes, the term is in the actual dictionary, and now I picture the Oxford People much differently), the definition of Fuck Buddy is:
fuck bud·dy
a friend or acquaintance with whom a person regularly has sex without the expectation of a romantic relationship.
Like I said, perfect.
I think Fuck Buddies used to just be called ‘lovers’.
And I keep getting told that the word ‘lover’ is making a comeback. Men have tried to convince me of this after I’ve called them out and teased them for using it in reference to people they’ve slept with a few times. Some have even said that their friends have been using ‘lover’ in conversations, too.
Is saying ‘lover’ a thing with men now?
I cannot use, or even hear, the word ‘lover’ without scrunching up my face. Scratching my head. And giggling. It makes me think of Warren Beatty in every movie he was in during the 70s. Or Carrie…